About Nowruzlu

About Nowruzlu

To put it simply, a wetland is a place involving the features of an aquatic and land environment simultaneously, that is, we can observe both trees and fish in wetlands all together. Water is the main component of wetland’s environment. Wetlands are typically formed when bodies of water are at or near the surface of land. In other words, shallow water covers a large area of the land. Wetlands may be created naturally or artificially. Examples of wetlands include swamps, marshlands, ponds, lakes behind dam, etc.

Nowruzlu Wetland

Nowruzlu Wetland is a river wetland located southwest of Lake Urmia in the province of West Azerbaijan and 15 km from Miandoab county. A part of this wetland includes the lake behind the diversion dam of Nowruzlu, which was built in 1947 on the Zarrineh River. Nowruzlu wetland involves an area of 1150 hectares. This wetland was specified as a protected area by the High Council for Environmental Protection in 2010 and hunting in this wetland is illegal. According to the definition offered by the Environmental Protection Organization, Nowruzlu wetland is a relatively large area with high value in terms of protection, which was opted with the purpose of preservation and rehabilitation of plant species and animal habitats. This river is created by the confluence of three rivers Sarooq Chay, Khor Khoreh Chay, and Saqqez Chay streaming into Jighato Chay (the main tributary). Finally, the water of these rivers enters the Bukan Dam. The Zarrineh River Dam exists 70-km downstream of Bukan Dam.